P-FE-02: Resources on Growth and Development

The intent of this measure is to ensure that families are being provided with a variety of resources and opportunities (at the program and/or online) that assist them in learning more about the growth and development of their child. This can include family events at the program, take home activities that support learning, online modules, and articles or newsletters about children’s learning and development. While parent conferences offer the opportunity to provide child development information to the family, these are not counted within this measure as they are captured in P-FI-02.

Category: Category 3: Program Administration Subcategory: Family Education


In this section you will find videos, images, and/or documents that can be used to better understand this measure. These examples can also be used in conversations between mentors, directors, and/or teachers to discuss how the program's current practices compare to these examples.

Practice Opportunities

These resources include tips, strategies, activities, or specific tools related to this measure that programs can put into practice.

Activities To Do at Home

PBS Kids for Parents has a variety of crafts, experiments, and learning activities for families to do at home with their children. Families can filter this free activity collection by age, topics, and their child’s favorite PBS television show.

Age(s): Infant, Toddler, Preschool, School-age
Circle Activity Collection: Family

The Circle Activity Collection: Family (CAC) translates child development research into practice by providing a variety of hands-on activities that families can do at home. The CAC allows families to learn more about the growth and development of their child. The CAC: Family is freely available to the public through CLI Engage.

Age(s): Infant, Toddler, Preschool, School-age
Helping Children With Autism Handle Everyday Transitions

This article provides families with tips on using transitions at home to support children with differing abilities. Program leaders can provide this article as a resource electronically or in their program’s resource library to families of children with differing abilities to assist them in learning more about the growth and development of their child.

Age(s): Preschool, School-age
Play and Learning Strategies (PALS) Spotlights
Implementation Tool

These brief learning modules are free for family members. They introduce common strategies to support children’s learning at home like reading books, plus common challenges families face, like encouraging children to cooperate. This link will take you to a list of PALS Spotlights, where you can select any topic. These modules may be useful to incorporate into a program’s family education plan.

Age(s): Infant, Toddler, Preschool
Supporting Families with Understanding and Tracking Children’s Development

This teacher toolkit is designed to help families better understand their child’s growth and development to address any developmental concerns they observe. These tools and resources, once completed, can be referenced during parent-teacher conferences as evidence of staff and families working together in making decisions regarding the child’s experience.

Age(s): Infant, Toddler, Preschool, School-age