P-ILE-04: Equipment and Materials Arrangement

This measure focuses on equipment and materials that appear inviting and reflect the children’s interests. They should be labeled and appropriately arranged so the children know where to find things and easily select and return items. Some examples of these materials include shelves, baskets, containers, and labels. The open shelving, if included, must be at an appropriate height for children.

Category: Category 4: Indoor and Outdoor Learning Environments Subcategory: Indoor Learning Environment


In this section you will find videos, images, and/or documents that can be used to better understand this measure. These examples can also be used in conversations between mentors, directors, and/or teachers to discuss how the program's current practices compare to these examples.

Material Labels – Family Child Care Home
Photo Example

This photo shows a home-based setting with shelves and containers labeled with both words and pictures of the materials. The low positioning of the shelves helps children retrieve the materials independently, and the labels help children return each item to its appropriate place.

Age(s): Infant, Toddler, Preschool, School-age
Material Labels – Infant
Photo Example

This infant room includes toys organized in containers low to the ground, supporting the infants’ ability to explore. Although infants aren’t likely to return items independently, pictures on the labels help infants learn the words for materials as the teacher encourages returning the items to their containers.

Age(s): Infant
Material Labels – Preschool
Photo Example

This photo shows a shelving unit in a preschool classroom with developmentally appropriate toys. Many of the materials are organized in containers with labels that include both pictures and words. The shelves are an appropriate height to allow children to retrieve and return items independently.

Age(s): Preschool
Material Labels – School-Age
Photo Example

This photo of a shelf in a school-age classroom includes writing and drawing materials clearly labeled with both pictures and words. Although many school-age children are beginning to read, providing labels with pictures supports children who are still building reading skills.

Age(s): School-age
Material Labels – Toddler
Photo Example

This photo shows a collection of toys on a low shelf in a toddler classroom. Notice that the containers are open, which helps toddlers find the toys. Under each container is a label that has the word and picture of the toys to support toddlers’ ability to return the toys appropriately.

Age(s): Toddler
Math Materials (Infant Example A)
Photo Example

This shelf in the infant room is open and very low to the ground, supporting infants’ ability to explore the toys. Notice the labels on the shelf include large pictures of the toys themselves.

Age(s): Infant
Sound, Speech, and Listening Materials
Photo Example

This shelf in an infant room has toy phones to encourage speech practice. Notice how the shelf is simple and uncluttered and labeled with a large picture of similar toys.

Age(s): Infant, Toddler