This measure assesses if the program uses a developmentally appropriate curriculum that aligns with early learning guidelines or standards, which requires the review of lesson plans and an integrated approach to the curriculum, child assessments, and teacher-child interactions. Curriculums help children meet specific developmental benchmarks through the scope and sequence of planned activities and set learning objectives. Texas Rising Star does not require a particular curriculum or a direct link to a curriculum in the lesson plans posted in each classroom. However, the use of a standard curriculum is considered a best practice.

Category: Category 3: Program Administration Subcategory: Program Management


In this section you will find videos, images, and/or documents that can be used to better understand this measure. These examples can also be used in conversations between mentors, directors, and/or teachers to discuss how the program's current practices compare to these examples.

Instructional Plan

Here is an instructional plan template for practitioners to document the learning goals and instruction details for a structured classroom activity. Using a template like the one provided shows the planned activity has a learning objective aligned with the early learning standards or guidelines that help children meet specific developmental benchmarks.

Age(s): Infant, Toddler, Preschool, School-age
Sample Weekly Lesson Plan: School-Age Classroom
Example Document

Here is an exemplar of a weekly lesson plan for a school-age classroom. The exemplar shows there are planned activities aligned with early learning standards that help children meet specific developmental benchmarks.

Age(s): School-age

Practice Opportunities

These resources include tips, strategies, activities, or specific tools related to this measure that programs can put into practice.

About Circle Pre-K Curriculum

The Circle Pre-K Curriculum supports the cognitive, social, and emotional development of pre-K children. Professional development resources such as video tutorials, lesson plan templates, and the teacher’s manual act as curriculum planning supports for weekly planning and instruction. This research-based curriculum and its resources are freely available to early learning programs through CLI Engage.

Age(s): Preschool
Circle Pre-K Curriculum Start-Up Guide

The Start-up Guide is a type of curriculum planning support for weekly planning and delivery of instruction. It provides an overview and guidance for lesson planning to classroom teachers using the Circle Pre-K Curriculum. This research-based curriculum and its resources are freely available to early learning programs through CLI Engage access.

Age(s): Preschool
Circle Pre-K Curriculum Teacher’s Manual

The CIRCLE Pre-K Teacher’s Manual provides an overview of the CIRCLE Pre-K curriculum features, the structures and processes of classroom management, classroom instruction guidance for each of the skill domain areas, and more. This research-based curriculum and its resources are freely available to early learning programs through CLI Engage access.

Age(s): Preschool
Infant and Toddler Curriculum Checklist

Use this checklist to determine whether the purchased or program-created curriculum being used is developmentally appropriate for the infants and toddlers served. For a curriculum to be considered “approved” for Texas Rising Star scoring, the curriculum must meet all criteria on the checklist.

Age(s): Infant, Toddler
Infant-Toddler Weekly Lesson Plan Template

This weekly lesson plan template is for infant/toddler practitioners to document structured learning activities and additional instruction notes. Using a template similar to this shows there are planned activities with learning objectives aligned with early learning guidelines, and there is evidence teaching staff receive feedback on lesson planning as a type of curriculum support on a regular basis.

Age(s): Infant, Toddler
PBS LearningMedia

PBS LearningMedia has a variety of free learning activities aligned to state and national standards for the school-age specified age group. Activities include videos, photographs, and lesson details to support school-age classroom teachers in the planning and delivery of classroom instruction.

Age(s): Preschool, School-age
Preschool Curriculum Checklist

Use this checklist to determine whether the purchased or program-created curriculum being used is developmentally appropriate for the preschoolers served. For a curriculum to be considered “approved” for Texas Rising Star scoring, the curriculum must meet all criteria on the checklist.

Age(s): Preschool
Preschool Weekly Lesson Plan Template

This weekly lesson plan template is for preschool practitioners to document structured learning activities and additional instruction notes. Using a template similar to this shows there are planned activities with learning objectives aligned with early learning guidelines, and there is evidence teaching staff receive feedback on lesson planning as a type of curriculum support on a regular basis.

Age(s): Preschool
School-Age Classroom Weekly Lesson Plan Template

Here is a weekly lesson plan template for practitioners to document their structured learning activities, as well as additional instruction notes, for the school-age specified age group. Using a template similar to the one provided shows there are planned activities with learning objectives aligned with early learning standards that help children meet specific developmental benchmarks.

Age(s): School-age
School-Age Curriculum Checklist

Use this checklist to determine whether the purchased or program-created curriculum being used is developmentally appropriate for the students served. Activities should include objectives, materials needed, and guidance for teacher instruction. For a curriculum to be considered “approved” for Texas Rising Star scoring, the curriculum must meet all criteria in the checklist.

Age(s): School-age