P-SCR-05: Flexibility for Minor Mishaps

This measure asks teachers to demonstrate flexibility and tolerance for minor mishaps and misbehaviors rather than using harsh responses. Common mishaps include wetting clothes, dropping food or messy materials, or a child accidently hurting another child. This can look like “Uh oh. You spilled the paint. Let’s clean it up together” versus a harsh response like “I can’t believe you spilled your paint! Now we need to clean it up.” Minor misbehaviors can look like whining, frustration, or throwing toys on the ground. Teachers can also use distraction to help very young children avoid a meltdown when they are frustrated or cannot get their way. For example, when a child is upset because she wants to play with the same toy another child has, the teacher says, “Our friend is still playing with the toy. Why don’t you try drawing a picture instead?” and offers paper and crayons.

Category: Category 2: Teacher-Child Interactions Subcategory: Support for Children’s Regulation


In this section you will find videos, images, and/or documents that can be used to better understand this measure. These examples can also be used in conversations between mentors, directors, and/or teachers to discuss how the program's current practices compare to these examples.

Video Example

In this video exemplar toddler, preschool, and school age teachers demonstrates how teachers tolerate minor misbehaviors from children of all ages. The teacher acknowledges the misbehaviors and continues to support children in remaining engaged and/or on task.

Age(s): Toddler, Preschool, School-age